
Friday, 18 November 2022, 6 pm

At the Visitor Center Bernau




In a future city, the workers rebel against the upper class. But they are reconciled by a substitute religion.


With METROPOLIS, Fritz Lang created one of the most elaborate films of the silent era and the first feature-length science fiction film, whose set, trick technology and special effects still inspire representatives of the genre today. After the collapse of the empire and the revolutionary unrest, the director's film allows industrial modernity to culminate in a dystopian version of the future. A reality dominated by technology, in which the free man is reduced to the servant of his own inventions, may have seemed alienating to most contemporary filmgoers, but it is not very far removed from our reality today.


Duration: approx. 2.5 hrs.



UNESCO-Welterbe Bauhaus
Besucherzentrum Bernau
Hans-Wittwer-Straße 1
16321 Bernau bei Berlin